#32 The Future of Wind Energy – Guest: Dr. Simon G. Tewolde

Using wind as a source of power is a very old technology. In this episode Dr. Simon Tewolde will tell us about the history, the present and the exciting future of harvesting energy from the wind. Without disclosing too much, in the future we do not need necessarily more number of wind turbines. The evolution of technology will help us make less number of wind turbines, which are bigger, more efficient and with much higher power production than existing wind farms.Intelligent monitoring of the systems health holds the potential to further reduce cost of win energy in making the existing devices more reliable and less costly in maintenance. With smart connected renewable energy supplies, wind energy could become an even more important contributor to our sustainable energy mix in the future. There is also a solution to store surplus energy when more than needed wind energy is available. This is another episode with inspiring ideas and realistic visions, which could help us save our planet. Definitely worth to listen!

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