# 31 The Energy Systems of the Future – Guests: Dr. Alexander Schlüter and Ernst Schnell

Where are we and where are we heading for in regard of our energy supply and demand? This futurecast episode touches many topics, which are relevant today and spans the bridge to the required energy systems in our future. Two amazing guests are discussing this key topic for our future. Alex is an Innovation Manager at E.ON which is a big energy corporate with 51 million customers Europe-wide. He is also giving lectures at universities, and he is the chief editor of two books. The one published in spring 2022 is called: Sustainable and Smart Energy Systems for Europe’s Cities and Rural Areas. Our other guest is Ernst Schnell he has a degree in chemical engineering and oil & gas law. He has been working in the oilfield services industry in Europe, Africa and North America since 2001. He has been involved with projects including geothermal well drilling, gas storage, and carbon capture utilization and storage technology – or short CCUS and overall, he has a wide interest in technological developments. Both are excellent experts in their areas and have clear visions of how our energy systems could and should look like in the future. A lot of valuable information paired with the optimistic vision of our future if we move to the right energy systems now. Clear recommendation for those of you who are interested and open minded to facts and visions – enjoy!

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